Tesla has no marketing. Yeah right! [Ep33]


Allison Mahmood
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Welcome to Quan2m! the Podcast every STEM student should be listening to. Covering everything from what’s going on in the world of science, interviewing people with STEM majors and what they have gone on to do. To talking about finance, careers and business.

In the last we talked about perfection as a whole and good enough.

Today I want to talk about the claims that Tesla has no marketing.

Tesla doesn’t have traditional ads.

  • We don’t see tesla TV ads
  • We don’t see online ads
  • just all around don’t see traditional ads

This doesn’t mean they don’t do marketing.

Marketing is made up of many things

  • Traditional ads
  • Online ads
  • Press
  • Products
  • Online presence
  • Podcasts
  • Twitter
  • etc.
  • Others marketing for you

Yes. Tesla doesn’t have the first two but they have all of the rest.


Their products are simply cool. The whole cybertruck design is just one massive part of marketing. When they released it I gurantee the marketing that would bring them was a consideration


When they have cool products or inovate then press will cover it cause they do cool things.

Additionally some of the synergies musk has from his other companies.

Take the boring company. Absolute flop as a business. Massively succesful as a marketing scheme for Tesla.

Take SpaceX sending a Tesla into space. Massive marketing for Tesla

Online Presence

Elon Musk has built a brand around him and when he talks about Tesla that is marketing. Things he does with prices, those shorts, etc. They are all marketing stunts for Online PR to build the Elon Musk brand and with that market Tesla

Elon going on podcasts like Joe Rogan is massive marketing

Others marketing for you

Take all the dumb cool features tesla brings in updates.

Picking a recent one. The costum horn where anyone can use any sound they want. That got massive coverage by others making videos and clips about it. This is a massive amount of free marketing.

Tesla doesn’t have traditional marketing because it simply doesn’t need it. The brand of Tesla and Elon are so built up for how to do marketing right in todays day and age that they don’t need to spend tons of money on ads. They spend that money on things that make people want to buy their cars while making those features something that gets lots of coverage to replace their marketing.

Looking at it you could say that they built the product in such a way that it markets it self. Almost everything I mentioned ties into the product and making it in a way that it provides tesla free marketing.

Elon is good at one thing. That is marketing. Look at every company he has had. No matter if its succesful like Tesla or a flop like the boring company one thing is undeniable. The way he has built up a brand around them and got massive amounts of marketing is masterful art with the most precise execution.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on Apple podcasts please consider leaving a rating. If you have any feedback you can reach out to me on twitter at @Qun2m2 or through anchor. Both are in the description. Thank you very much and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye!



Allison Mahmood

Founder in Residence at Entrepreneur First, host of Quan2m podcast