What’s it worth and raising it w/ Bharat Kanodia [Ep35]


Allison Mahmood
1 min readJul 29, 2021

Welcome to Quan2m! the Podcast covering thoughts of one 21 year old physics student running companies and his guests talking about finance, careers and business with the occasional wild card here and there.

Intro of guest

Raising capital in EU and US. What are the differences does it make sense for companies to try and raise in the US

  • With this heavy skew to US where 54% capital is there what would you think makes sense for startups which aren’t dependant on the local market

Alternatives to traditional money for equity.

EDITBA and Revenue multipliers for valuations

  • EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
  • Revenue multipliers used for high growth buiness
  • Profit for more established business
  • Industry specific multiplier, Avereage daily user, Anual recuring revenue, etc.

Team or Idea. What matters more during cap raise

Raising on an just idea instead of just MVP

Twitter: @whatIsItWorthTV

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Allison Mahmood

Founder in Residence at Entrepreneur First, host of Quan2m podcast